The Road To Success

The Road To Success

Setting and achieving your goal

Goal setting and attaining to achieve it is a sure road to becoming successful in life.

What then is goal setting?

Goal setting is the process of defining a specific and measurable target that you want to achieve. It involves identifying what you want to accomplish, setting a timeline for achieving it, and determining the steps you need to take to reach your goal.

Effective goal setting requires that you be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). This means that your goal should be clear and well-defined, with a measurable outcome that you can track. It should be realistic and achievable given your current resources and constraints, and it should be relevant to your overall priorities and values. Finally, it should have a specific timeline for completion, with intermediate milestones along the way to help you stay on track.

The process of goal setting can be very helpful in guiding your actions and decision-making, as it helps you stay focused on what you want to achieve and gives you a clear roadmap for reaching your destination. It can also help you stay motivated and engaged, as you can see your progress and feel a sense of accomplishment as you work towards your goals.

In December 2021, I set out time to review the present year and to plan and set my goals for the year 2022

I segmented my goal into six(6) categories namely:

  • Spiritual goal

  • Mental and capacity building goal

  • Health goal

  • Assignment, purpose, and kingdom service goal

  • Financial goal

  • Relationship goal

Reflecting On My Goals, Experiences, And Accomplishments For This Year 2022.

This year has been filled with a lot of learning and relearning. I never knew it would be so, it happened beyond my plans. I have learned a lot about the career path I have chosen to pursue.

Looking back at what I have achieved so far, I must say that I have made tremendous progress. Although some parts of my goals lagged, my achievements and progress have surpassed the rest.

One area where I have excelled is in mental and capacity building.

To do better in the other areas, I will do my best to hold myself accountable to ensure I achieve more in the coming year

Reflecting on my goals and priorities for the year has helped me to:

• Identifying my accomplishments, What I achieve or accomplish over the year

• Evaluating my challenges and setbacks, the challenges or setbacks that I face over the year, how I handle them, and the lessons I learned from the experiences

• Finally, Set my goals for the next year based on my experiences over the past year and my action plan to achieve them.

Photo credit: QuotesGram, Pintrest