Tech Skills And Writing

Tech Skills And Writing


2 min read


Welcome to my blog desk, let's gist a little about tech skills.

Have you taught about writing as a tech skill?

๐Ÿ™„ Oh yes I can relate to that look

Indeed, writing has a lot to do with tech, writing is a skill every techie should have, and this is where the term "technical writing" comes into play.

In this post, I'll talk briefly about 3 tech skills ( product management, data analysis, and product design) and how technical writing comes into play in them.

Mind you, Technical writing is a skill on its own of which anybody can build a career, but that's not my focus in this post.

So, let's continue!

First of all, what exactly is technical writing

Technical writing is writing in which engineering/ technical complex terms are broken down in a way that a person who doesn't have a tech background can understand.

Technical writing can be broken down into these forms: end-user documentation, traditional technical writing, and technical marketing communications. All this depends on what you want to write about.

Let's jump into the 3 tech skills I mentioned above.

Product Management

Product Management is an organizational function that guides every step of a product's life cycle, ranging from positioning to pricing. It deals with the process of planning, forecasting, and marketing a product throughout all the stages of the product's life cycle.

Data Analysis

According to Coursera, Data analysis is the practice of working with data to glean useful information, which can then be used to make informed decisions.

Product Design

Following product plan definition. Product design describes the process of imagining, creating, and iterating products that solve usersโ€™ problems or address specific needs in a given market.

Having given a brief definition of these 3 tech skills, how then does technical writing come into this skill?


There are technical terms that are used in different tech skills, for example, if a data analyst wants to write about a particular data he gathered and wants to analyze them for public consumption, it's expected of him to break the terms down to the point that anyone reading through his document who doesn't have prior knowledge of data analysis can understand the message he's trying to pass across.

That process of breaking down that tech jargon into understandable words and phrases is technical writing.

The same thing applies to a product manager or designer as well as a developer writing about codes.

Technical writing is one of the skills among many others that attracted me to commit payment for the ongoing ADA Software Engineering Internship Program.

I'm happy I'm learning this right now.
