Product Management; What Does It Entail

Product Management; What Does It Entail

Having chosen to build my career in product management, and currently, in an internship. I've been assigned to research to know what product management entails and which part I've chosen to take in my tech journey.

Here Are My Findings:

Before I explain what product management means, the first question should be "What Is a Product?

A product is any item or service you offer to a customer to serve a customer's need or want. A product can be seen in terms of being a solution created to serve a need or solve a problem. A product can either be physical or Virtual.

So, let's dive into what product management is:

Product Management is an organizational function that guides every step of the product life cycle, from positioning to pricing. Product Management is all about discovering a product that has value, use, and possibility and again deciding what to build next. Product Management deals with the process of planning, forecasting, and marketing a product throughout all the stages of the product life cycle.

Types of product management roles

• product manager

• product owner

• Growth product manager

• platform product manager

• Technical product manager

All these job roles have specific functions they perform but for this post, I will be discussing more on the type of product management role I want to enroll into

I want to become a Product Manager. So, let's dive into what is expected of a product manager.

A product manager manages the entirety of a product lifecycle and product roadmap. They work with both internal stakeholders and external stakeholders.

The internal stakeholders include an engineering team, a sales, and marketing team, a customer success team, a legal team, leadership teams, and board members.

The external stakeholder includes customers, end-users, and partners.

Here are the responsibilities of a product manager

• Setting up product strategy

• Define feature releases

• Evaluate product ideas

• Prioritize features

• Build and share strategic roadmaps for the product

• Progress report and analysis

The Journey Into Product Management Has Begun


Product Management and what it entails